Friday, March 20, 2009

A simple remedy

It had occurred to me that perhaps I was depriving a burgeoning throng sleep at night by not making available a Random List of things that I felt people should be informed of. To say the least this inspired a great deal of guilt in me, and thus the following list was crafted.

Random List

  1. Wristcutters: A Love Story (4/5) - This story; hidden behind an admittedly macabre name is actually both entertaining and thoughtful. I have to say it has made my list of favorite movies and will likely remain in this place of supreme honor for quite some time.
  2. Cappuccino (5/5) - I have to say that drinking a cappuccino at Marino's (Dario's to the regulars) has probably been one of my life changing moments. Aside from an amazing staff and great atmosphere, the Cappuccino alone has brought me in almost every day for the last year and drained an unthinkable amount of money from me. Worth it? Without a doubt.
  3. Too cool (3/5) - To be perfectly honest I'm not sure why the use of this isn't in some genetic mandate. Our deeply ingrained need to rupture small plastic air filled cells would seem to be enough to call us to this site, like some primal instinct.
  4. Bullshit (1/5) - I'm going to call it. I know I'm not the first; but for goodness sake. This has got to be one of the most embarrassing skeletons in my professions closet I've ever found.
  5. Pants (3/5) - I've got to say, you have to have a pair to wear these pants. That is exactly the reason that America's very own Chuck Norris is wearing a pair of these fine Action Jeans.
There; I know that this bit of salve will help calm the demons that awoke when you realized you didn't have the above list. Now rest quiet and revel in your newly found power.

1 comment:

Lapis said...

OMG - Chuck Norris ACTION JEANS??? WTF x 1 gazillion!!!

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